
zhushican | 建站教程 | 2014年7月25日

For the website optimization, a site has not been included means optimization can not be carried out smoothly, then how can successfully be included, included and those constraints included on the site, below ask you some analysis:
(A) the robots file shielding error settings
It is usually some novice webmaster easy mistakes, do not understand the role of robots, resulting in incorrect operation, shielding the search engine spiders crawl on some pages, of course the old webmaster sometimes misoperation, so for the robots operation we must carefully carefully.
(B) influence web site overall weight
很多时候网站域名的权重对于网站收录也是有一定的影响的,在这里小编告诉大家,不同权重的网站搜索引擎蜘蛛抓取的方式和时间段也是不一样的,而那些权重比 较高的网站抓取的时间段就比较长,权重低的网站就相比较下抓取的时间短。所以也这是很多网站栏目页和内容页面得不到很好收录的一个状况。其实这个与自然界 的生存法则很相似,所以我们提升网站整体权重是非常重要的。
When the weight of many website for the website included also has a certain influence, tell everybody here small make up, different weights of web search engine spiders crawl and time is not the same, and the weight ratio of time higher website crawling on the long, low weight site compared to the next crawl time is short. So this is a lot of website column page and the content page is not well included a condition. In fact, the rules of survival in nature is very similar, so we enhance the site overall weight is very important.
(C) the internal structure of the site in question
一些设计不是很合理的网站,通常也是影响收录的主要原因所在,就拿一些flash站点来举例吧。我们都知道搜索引擎无法抓取flash和图片内容信息,所 以通常这样的网站收录情况就比较差一些,所以对于一个网站的设计我们在考虑用户体验的同时也好考虑到搜索引擎友好程度。
Some of the design is not very reasonable site, is often the main reason included location, take some flash site for instance. We all know that search engines can't grab flash and image content information, so that the website included the situation is more worse, so to design a website when we consider the user experience at the same time, taking into account the search engine friendly degree.
(D) chaos of the site within the chain layout
我们都知道一个网站的优化必不可少的就是内部优化,而内部优化主要又是通过内链来完成的,而很多站长也知道内链的重要,但是不能够很好的布局,从而导致网 站内链布局混乱,就像笔者一个网站,在初期的时候就因为混乱的内链布局,只要有相关的关键词就会自动做内链,这样的好处就是不用通过手动 设置,但是不好的就是自动频繁的做,也导致我们网站内链过多堆积混乱,这样不仅不能够得到蜘蛛的喜爱,增长网站的收录,还会导致网站被降权、被K哦。
We all know the essential optimization a site is the internal optimization, internal optimization is accomplished through the chain, and many webmaster know within the chain is important, but not well layout, resulting in net station chain layout confusion, as the author of a web site, in the early time because the chain layout confusing, as long as the relevant keywords will automatically do within the chain, this advantage is not by manually setting, but not good is the automatic frequently do, but also lead us to the site within the chain excessive accumulation of confusion, so that not only can get the spider love, included growth site, will lead the the web site is down right, is K oh.
(E) the label page elements are not friendly
通常很多不懂得网站设计的工程师在设计网站的时候,为了达到一些美观的效果会使用一些对搜索引擎并不友好的标签元素,而每一个站长也都知道搜索引擎自身是 个程序,它只是识别网站的一些文本标签,而对于那些flash、javascript、ifrmae等不友好的元素占据一个网站页面主导的话,通常都会影 响网站页面的收录情况。
Usually do not know how many engineers in the design of website design website, in order to achieve some beautiful effect will use the label elements are not friendly to the search engine, and every webmaster all know that search engine itself is a procedure, some text labels it just identify sites, and for those of flash, JavaScript, ifrmae not friendly elements occupy a web page leading words, usually included influence web page.
总结:其实除了上面的五点因素之外,还有一些重复的内容以及不稳定的空间服务器也都是对网站收录影响比较大,更多的时候我们就需要多多注重细节 问题。也多多观察网站日志中蜘蛛爬行的状况、健康状态等。
Summary: in addition to the five points above factors, there are some duplicate content and unstable space server are also on the website contains relatively large impact, the more time we need to pay attention to details. Also a lot of observation site log spider crawling status, health status.

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